Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'll Lie Around the House Til Noon and Wear my Pajamas All Day

According to my husband and brother, being completely anonymous is not necessary and may be a bit off-putting. So, henceforth I will be referring to myself as Kristen, which is my name.

I'm kind of obsessed with song lyrics, so many of my titles will come from song lyrics. Bonus points to anyone who can name the song without Googling it.

I think the only activity I like almost as much as dancing is sleeping in. I don't sleep all that well at night, but I'm a champion sleeper from 6 AM to 11 AM. Lucky for me, my kids sleep until 8:30 most days. I know moms whose kids wake up at 5 AM and I feel so very sorry for them. Most days I don't go anywhere until I have to teach Zumba in the evenings. Because of this, I see no point in getting dressed. Sometimes I stay in my PJ's until 5:30 PM. At times I even go in the backyard to play with the kids in my pajamas--provided none of my adult neighbors are also in their backyards. I'm not ashamed of this. That said, some days I end up feeling like a loser slob. A major over-achiever in my pre-kid days, I've tried to embrace my laziness, but don't always succeed.

I frequently let my kids wear PJ's all day as well. Or, if I do get them dressed, I let them sleep in their clothes. I figure it cuts down on laundry that way. And don't even get me started on laundry! It never ends!! I try not to wash dirty clothes until all the clean ones are folded and put away, but that actually rarely happens. Cleaning is just so far down on my priority list. The poor girl who cleans for me on Saturdays ends up spending most of her time folding and putting away our clothes--including my unmentionables. Because of this, our bathrooms rarely get cleaned... because I'm certainly not going to do it!

I used to think this lack of a clean house made me a bad mother, but I try to remind myself that as long as the house is reasonably free of flesh-eating bacteria, my kids probably won't be any worse for it. I do worry that they will grow up to be slobs that don't know how to keep a house clean, but I fear that trait may be in the genes already.


  1. Not really sure how I became "9th Ward" for my user name. Hmmmmm...

  2. Hahahaha. Nope, not even close.

  3. Well, this is not for the faint of heart, but check out the Bruno Mars YouTube video of, "The Lazy Song." Very funny Monkies.

  4. If it makes you feel any better, I spend more time in my PJ's than anything else. Two of my kids will only wear Footie pajamas, unless they're bribed because we're leaving the house...and they change back into them the second we walk in the door. The other boy only wears a diaper unless we leave the house. Ditto on the laundry, and the bathrooms...Have I mentioned lately how much I like you? We have so much in common...now if only I had the energy to work out...
