Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rocking Through the Wilderness (otherwise known as my back yard)

It's a sweltering summer day in Kansas City. R & L were playing outside when L announced that she wanted to play with the hose. So, I changed both kids into swimsuits and sprayed them with sunblock. Next I went around the corner to turn on the hose and was confronted with this:

Yikes! Now, I do not garden; I do not pull weeds. My hubby knew this when he married me. He does a great job keeping the lawn mowed despite his busy schedule, but the rest of the yard often gets neglected. Also, I have a terrible bug phobia. But, since the kids really wanted to play in the water, I braved the brambles to turn on the hose. I think I deserve an award. Here's the reason I do things I hate:


After that adventure, L wanted to swim in the kiddie pool so I spent a good 20 minutes inflating the thing with a bicycle pump. It was easier than blowing it up by mouth (I did that last time) but was still exhausting! Of course, after that was done she only played in the pool for about 15 minutes.

Now I need a nap!

1 comment:

  1. Everyone has to do things they hate. I hate to fix food, but I have been doing it for over 34 years now. I am trying to teach Zack that everyone has to do things they don't like. Otherwise we would all sit around and play with our electronic devises. Actually, I'm not sure what is so bad about that....I'll have to think about that. Oh yeah, someone needs to make money. Someone needs to get the food--etc.,etc.
